Equality Federation won’t stop until all LGBTQ+ people are fully empowered and represented in their communities, experiencing full equality in their lives.
State-based organizations across the country are advancing major progress in the communities we call home -- where the work is hard, but the impact is great. Nearly every week, we hear about another victory that provides LGBT people with the protection, respect, and dignity they need and deserve, but far too often, these wins are unrecognized by the broader community.
With incomplete nondiscrimination protections in 32 states and misleading religious exemption bills popping up across the country that would create loopholes allowing unfair treatment and discrimination against gay and transgender people, it is increasingly important that we raise awareness about the need for complete nondiscrimination protections for all people. Despite the momentous victories for the freedom to marry, many people remain unaware that there is still work to do to ensure full equality under the law.
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the Alabama Attorney General’s request for a stay on a judge’s ruling allowing same-sex marriage in Alabama. This should clear the way for same-sex marriage to begin next week unless the Supreme Court intervenes.
D.W. Trantham testified in support of a bill that would ensure LGBT citizens of Idaho were protected from discrimination in its statewide human rights law. Unfortunately, the bill was defeated. Idaho is one of the 32 states that urgently need to update their laws so that all people, including LGBT, people are protected from discrimination. Get involved in our #DiscriminationExists campaign to learn more about where your state stands and what you can do to help.
The entire Equality Federation team is looking forward to connecting with our members, partners and friends at The National LGBTQ Task Force's National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change!
Earlier this month, I participated in something historic: for the first time ever, LGBTQ leaders from across North Dakota came together to connect, strategize and build a strong movement in their state. Equality Federation member organization North Dakota Human Rights Coalition and their partner Dakota Outright hosted nearly 80 people in Bizmarck for the inaugural North Dakota LGBTQ+ Summit.
In this political moment, as we face unprecedented challenges to fairness, justice, and democracy at the federal level, we look to localities to lead the way in advancing equality for the LGBTQ community. Equality Federation is committed to our partnership with HRC on the Municipal Equality Index because it sets a bar that most localities want to reach.
Every day you are bombarded with bad news. And although there is a lot to be angry about, we want to bring some sunshine into your newsfeed.
The current fight in Massachusetts—the birthplace of marriage equality—has been called “the next transgender rights battleground” and “the biggest test to date” on transgender rights. But, without a doubt, this is about more than Massachusetts.
Kavanaugh is an immense threat to the rights of LGBTQ people. A Supreme Court with Brett Kavanaugh will be far more likely to give a license to discriminate to business owners, health care providers, adoption agencies and others who object to LGBTQ people or to same-sex relationships, marriage, or parents.
It is bittersweet day as we bid farewell to our Administrative Associate, Josh Stickney. Josh has accepted a role as Digital Communications Manager at Equality California. In this new role, he will be supporting the overall communications strategy and program of the organization.
With your support, we'll be able to continue our work to build the leaders of today and tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ+ organizations, and make critical progress on the issues that matter most—like protecting transgender people, ending HIV criminalization and ensuring access to care, and banning conversion therapy across the country.