Connect with the Federation at Creating Change 2015

The entire Equality Federation team is looking forward to connecting with our members, partners and friends at The National LGBTQ Task Force's National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change!
If you’ll be in Denver with us, we invite you to join us at our Friday night reception:
Equality Federation Reception in Governor’s Square 16
Friday, February 6 at 8:30 p.m.
Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres and drinks with the Equality Federation, the strategic partner and movement builder to state-based organizations winning equality in the communities we call home. We welcome Federation members, allies and friends to join us for conversation and celebration.
Or please consider attending one of the workshops our team has helped put together (locations TBA):
Beyond Bullying: LGBTQ School Pushout
Friday, February 6, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Presenters: Ian Palmquist (Equality Federation), Jason Sinocruz (Advancement Project), Jaspal Bhatia (Advancement Project), Sarah Munshi (GLSEN)
Bullying isn't the only issue facing LGBTQ students. Youth are being pushed out of the classroom and into the juvenile justice system--especially LGBTQ youth and youth of color. We'll look at the intersection of student pushout and bullying, and how to help all students get equal access to education opportunities.
Moral Freedom Summer: NAACP and LGBT Engagement in North Carolina
Friday, February 6, 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Presenters: Bishop Tonyia Rawls (Freedom Center for Social Justice), Chris Sgro (Equality North Carolina), Serena Sebring (SONG), Laurel Ashton (NC NAACP)
Moderator: Anne Stanback (Equality Federation)
Through this workshop attendees will be introduced to a unique collaboration in North Carolina between LGBT partner organizations and the NAACP. Attendees will get a behind the scenes look at the challenges of this intersectional work and hear about the rewards and successes of the project. Through a participatory discussion of lessons learned in North Carolina, attendees and panelists will develop a road map for how to replicate similar collaborations in their own states.
The 90 Minute Master's in Social Change
Friday February 6, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Presenters: Fran Hutchins (Equality Federation), M.V. Lee Badgett (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Steve Boutcher (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Learn the core knowledge from a master's degree program about how to make social justice movements more effective. Participants will learn key insights from cutting edge research on social movements, public policy, and policy analysis.
LGBTQ Workers & Economic Security
Friday, February 6, 4:45 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Presenters: Jared Make (A Better Balance), Andy Garcia (Equality Federation), Erin Garcia (9to5 Colorado)
In this interactive workshop, we will discuss the different legal/policy barriers threatening the economic security of LGBTQ workers and their loved ones. Together, we'll explore how LGBTQ employment discrimination intersects with other labor issues, including the need for paid time off, LGBTQ family recognition, and fair wages. We will then identify opportunities to advance the rights of LGBTQ workers, build organizing power, and address racial/economic justice through a broad workplace rights agenda.
Building the Board You Need to Succeed - Academy Session
Saturday, February 7, 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Presenters: Fran Hutchins (Equality Federation), Ian Palmquist (Equality Federation)
How do we recruit a great board? How do we fix our boring board meetings? How do we get board members to fundraise? How do we handle underperforming board members? This three hour session is targeted to board members and executive directors. Fran and Ian will share tips for board development and engagement and help participants work through challenges they face in creating the board they need to succeed.
The Federation's Fairness Project
Saturday, February 7, 4:45 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Presenters: Andy Garcia (Equality Federation), Roey Thorpe (Equality Federation)
The Federation's new Fairness Project seeks to address the needs of organizations and individuals working to pass local and statewide nondiscrimination protections. The centerpiece of this project is our Fairness Project site, an online community providing resources and technical assistance. Come learn more about what this project offers and how you can be part of it.
Calling all members: if you or someone from your state group is presenting a workshop at Creating Change, we want to know about it! Just click here to let us know.
Outside of our reception and planned workshops, our team is also eager to connect one-on-one with our fellow Creating Changers. Email any of us to plan a time meet.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!