Republican-controlled committee votes down anti-LGBT bill in Virginia House

Thanks to the effective advocacy of Equality Virginia and their partners, a subcommittee of Virginia's House of Delegates voted down House Bill 1414, a bill that would create a loophole in state laws allowing businesses and professionals to discriminate against people for same-sex marriage or "homosexual behavior."
"Today in a house subcommittee, Republican delegates voted down a bill that would have allowed for blatant discrimination against gay Virginians," said Equality Virginia executive director James Parrish. "These legislators stand with our governor and the majority of Virginians, who want to live in a commonwealth where business is open for everyone."
Nobody should be turned away from a business, refused service by government officials, or evicted from their home, simply because they do not share another person’s religious beliefs. That's why Equality Federation is working with our partners in states across the country to defeat anti-LGBT legislation that would put individuals' religious beliefs ahead of the common good.