Equality Federation won’t stop until all LGBTQ+ people are fully empowered and represented in their communities, experiencing full equality in their lives.
At the Federation, we work to strengthen state-based organizations that are making critical progress on the issues that matter most. And while that work takes many forms, it often involves on-the-ground collaboration -- the kind of collaboration that keeps us traveling around the country.
Just weeks after the Supreme Court struck down DOMA and restored marriage in California, the LGBT community is celebrating another historic victory.
Later today, House Republicans will meet to discuss the future of immigration reform. They have a choice.
Our members are always finding new and exciting ways to raise the dollars they need. From clever campaigns to effective events -- we consistently see state groups exceed their goals, deepen relationships with their supporters, and fund the fight for equality.
The Equality Federation Institute is proud of the diverse group of sponsors supporting our Leadership Conference this year in Portland, Oregon. The annual Leadership Conference brings together LGBTQ leadership from around the nation for 4 days of planning, presenting our successes and challenges, and fellowship in order to guide and build the movement for the next year and beyond.
Last week's historic Supreme Court decision striking down DOMA changed our country and our movement. But after the celebrations, we were all immediately left with questions. What impact would DOMA's demise have on same-sex couples in states across the country?
One year ago, many of us worried that people wouldn’t understand the need to continue contributing to our movement for equality after marriage equality was secured. Ironically, thanks in part to the media firestorms generated by far-right attacks on our civil liberties such as the religious exemption bill in Indiana and cause célèbre du jours like Kim Davis, it is more likely that our funders and donors understand the need for a strong state-based LGBTQ movement.
Equality Federation hosted an amazing fundraising reception on April 24th at the Studio Theater in Washington DC. With the help of Board Members, Sam Nitz and Kellan Baker, we had 14 sponsors and over 175 attendees!
With your support, we'll be able to continue our work to build the leaders of today and tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ+ organizations, and make critical progress on the issues that matter most—like protecting transgender people, ending HIV criminalization and ensuring access to care, and banning conversion therapy across the country.