News & Resources

Equality Federation won’t stop until all LGBTQ+ people are fully empowered and represented in their communities, experiencing full equality in their lives.

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Member Resource: Free LGBTQ Films for Groups Working with GSAs

Since 2008, Youth In Motion has provided free LGBTQ-themed movies, with accompanying curricula and action guides, to student clubs and educators in middle and high schools.If your organization works with a student GSA, you can access these films for free!

January 22, 2014
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Communications Director, Equality California

Equality California is the largest statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organization in California. Over the past decade, Equality California has strategically moved California from a state with extremely limited legal protections for LGBT individuals to a state with some of the most comprehensive civil rights protections in the nation.

January 22, 2014
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Raise Money for Your Organization -- Be a Part of Give OUT Day 2014!

According to research from the Horizons Foundation and Movement Advancement Project, less than 5% of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community gives to an LGBTQ cause. To increase this number, Bolder Giving created Give OUT Day, a national initiative that aims to mobilize thousands of donors across the country on one day in May to give in support of the LGBTQ nonprofit community.

January 22, 2014
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Manager, Government Affairs, Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation

The Empire State Pride Agenda is New York's statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights and advocacy organization. Our mission is to win equality and justice for LGBT New Yorkers and our families.

January 22, 2014
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Development Director, Equality Pennsylvania

Founded in 1996 as the Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, Equality Pennsylvania is the only organization in the Commonwealth based in Harrisburg and advocating there and across the state, exclusively for the rights of LGBT Pennsylvanians.

January 22, 2014
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Webinar Opportunity: Advocate for Model School District Policies on Suicide Prevention

Many Federation members are actively engaged in efforts to support LGBTQ young people. Some are working to develop Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs); some are fighting to end school pushout; some are advocating for bans against harmful conversion therapy. No matter what form it takes, ensuring that LGBTQ young people are safe and thriving is a key part of all of our members' youth programs. That's why we're excited to share a new resource from our friends at The Trevor Project.

January 22, 2014

Press Releases

2019 Annual Report

Equality Federation faced a challenging 2019 and used creative strategies to help state-based equality groups across the country support LGBTQ Americans. The fight for justice is a long game. We are committed to using every opportunity to keep building the power of our state-based movement while inspiring communities to stand with us on the side of fairness and equality.

RTS: 12-Month Development Plan Training Series

A young man looking up, smilingA young man smiling straight at the camera
Confident young woman standing with crossed arms.

Want To Make A Difference? Support Our Work

With your support, we'll be able to continue our work to build the leaders of today and tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ+ organizations, and make critical progress on the issues that matter most—like protecting transgender people, ending HIV criminalization and ensuring access to care, and banning conversion therapy across the country.