News & Resources

Equality Federation won’t stop until all LGBTQ+ people are fully empowered and represented in their communities, experiencing full equality in their lives.

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Member Resource: New Salsa Feature Allows Supporters to Donate Instantly Via Email

Good news for Federation members! Salsa has rolled out a new feature that will make donating to your organization even easier for your supporters. This feature, called Quick Donate, allows supporters to opt-in to a special service that will allow them to donate instantly to you through Salsa -- with no form needed.

March 17, 2014
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Stories from the States: Forum for Equality Secures Monumental Win for LGBT Individuals in Shreveport, Louisiana

Just as a historic 2013 came to a close, LGBT Louisianians celebrated a big win. The town of Shreveport became the second municipality to protect its residents from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

March 12, 2014
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Report from the Public Religion Research Institute Finds Changing Religious Landscape as Support for Same-Sex Marriage Grows

Just over ten years ago, Massachusetts became the first state to legalize marriage for same-sex couples. At this time, only 32% of Americans supported the freedom to marry. Since 2003, this percentage has increased 21 points, with 53% of Americans now showing support for same-sex marriage, transforming the American religious landscape.

March 12, 2014
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The Federation’s Safe and Just Schools Program Empowers Groundbreaking Work in Minnesota

All young people deserve the opportunity to feel safe and protected at school in order to learn. That's why the Equality Federation and our members are committed to building welcoming and just schools where students are free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and harsh discipline policies that push our young people out of school.

March 12, 2014
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New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy

February 26, 2014
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Report from Equal Rights Center Shines Light on Barriers to Senior Housing for Same-Sex Couples

By 2030, an estimated 6 million LGBT seniors will be living in this country. As this number increases, so does the need for more housing options that allow older LGBT people and their partners to live in safe and comfortable environments.

February 26, 2014

Press Releases

The Top 9 Funders of the State-Based LGBTQ Movement & More

One year ago, many of us worried that people wouldn’t understand the need to continue contributing to our movement for equality after marriage equality was secured. Ironically, thanks in part to the media firestorms generated by far-right attacks on our civil liberties such as the religious exemption bill in Indiana and cause célèbre du jours like Kim Davis, it is more likely that our funders and donors understand the need for a strong state-based LGBTQ movement.

Will You Join Us in Charlotte for Summer Meeting?

Meet Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, First Openly Transgender Member of White House Staff

Equality Federation hosted an amazing fundraising reception on April 24th at the Studio Theater in Washington DC. With the help of Board Members, Sam Nitz and Kellan Baker, we had 14 sponsors and over 175 attendees!

All About the Latest Harm Reduction Policies Across the County

2019 Annual Report

Equality Federation faced a challenging 2019 and used creative strategies to help state-based equality groups across the country support LGBTQ Americans. The fight for justice is a long game. We are committed to using every opportunity to keep building the power of our state-based movement while inspiring communities to stand with us on the side of fairness and equality.

RTS: 12-Month Development Plan Training Series

A young man looking up, smilingA young man smiling straight at the camera
Confident young woman standing with crossed arms.

Want To Make A Difference? Support Our Work

With your support, we'll be able to continue our work to build the leaders of today and tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ+ organizations, and make critical progress on the issues that matter most—like protecting transgender people, ending HIV criminalization and ensuring access to care, and banning conversion therapy across the country.