VICTORY! Minnesota Transgender Surgery Ban Found Unconstitutional

Today, a Minnesota District Court ruled that transgender people on Medical Assistance in Minnesota deserve access to medically necessary services related to gender transition. Since 2005, surgical treatments for gender dysphoria have been excluded from coverage even though equivalent treatments were covered under the federal Medicare program and private insurance plans.
The American Civil Liberties Union along with the ACLU of Minnesota filed a lawsuit in December of last year on behalf of OutFront Minnesota and Evan Thomas, a transgender man, challenging Minnesota’s ban on coverage.
The ACLU’s client, Evan Thomas, was denied coverage for transition related surgery, despite being diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
“I’m so happy we’ve won. The judge’s ruling is a forceful statement that transgender people deserve equal treatment under the law. Right now, when we’re suddenly facing a path that’s so much rougher than it looked a few days ago, this victory looks even more important, and I’m proud to have been part of this case,” stated Evan Thomas. “I thank the ACLU for taking it on and winning such a good ruling — it’s been a privilege to work with these wonderful, dedicated people.”
Equality Federation member OutFront is Minnesota’s largest LGBTQ rights organization and was also a plaintiff in the case.
“OutFront Minnesota is delighted by this ruling, confirming what we knew all along: targeting transgender people like this is discriminatory, unconstitutional, and wrong. Since filing this suit, we have been contacted by many individuals and families whose access to health care has been unjustly harmed. At last we can provide some hopeful news that the care they need may now be within reach,” stated Phil Duran, Legal Director of OutFront Minnesota.
“The victory today will bring immediate relief to the scores of transgender people living in Minnesota being denied the medical care they need,” stated ACLU-MN Executive Director Charles Samuelson. “Singling out groups of people and denying them medically necessary care for no legitimate reason is wrong and harmful. We are glad the court agreed with respecting the dignity of people.”
Equality Federation congratulations Evan Thomas and OutFront Minnesota on their incredible win!