Unsung Victories: Arizona, Oregon, Florida, and Arkansas

State-based organizations across the country are advancing major progress in the communities we call home — where the work is hard, but the impact is great.
Nearly every week, we hear about another victory that provides LGBT people with the protection, respect, and dignity they need and deserve, but far too often, these wins are unrecognized by the broader community.
At the Federation, we’re committed to telling the story of these victories. And this time, we're headed to Arizona, Oregon, Florida, and Arkansas.
- On August 27th, Tempe, Arizona became the first city in the state to ban discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender city workers in its charter. The ordinance, Proposition 475, was approved by voters and will ensure that future city councils cannot rescind the protections without going back to voters. Congratulations to the team at Equality Arizona for being a part of this victory!In Oregon, the Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC) voted to approve the coverage of medically necessary healthcare for transgender people by the Oregon Health Plan. This is a historic vote, as transgender Oregonians on the Health Plan will receive comprehensive healthcare related to their gender identity for the first time. Thank you Basic Rights Oregon for working hard in your state to ensure all individuals have access to the healthcare they need!Thanks to a unanimous vote from City Commissioners, transgender individuals are now legally protected from discrimination in Orlando, Florida. The previous law protected individuals based on sexual orientation, but not gender identity. Now, Orlando businesses cannot deny employment, housing, or service at public accommodations to people simply because they are transgender. Equality Florida worked with Orlando officials on expanding nondiscrimination protections, and we congratulate them on a successful effort! Fayetteville, Arkansas became the first city in the state to pass a nondiscrimination law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of seuxal orientation and gender identity. The council approved the measure in a 6 – 2 vote, after more than 100 community members spoke before the council. Congratulations to all who contributed to this historic victory in Arkansas!
What else? Let us know about a win in your community, and we’ll feature it in an upcoming edition of Unsung Victories! Just send an email to communications@equalityfederation.org.