The Full Bruce Jenner Interview

On Friday April 24th, Bruce Jenner came out about transitioning to womanhood in a special episode of 20/20 with Diane Sawyer. Throughout the interview Jenner remained warm, calm, and honest. Diane was a kind and respectful interviewer. Together, they modeled to millions how to respectfully have discussions about gender and sexuality.
We applaud Jenner's courage. Further, we applaud Kylie Jenner, Brandon Jenner, Kim Kardashian West, and Kanye West for publicly expressing their love and support. Jenner has exposed millions of Americans to an issue that may be new to them, and in doing so has hopefully increased understanding and empathy towards transgender people.
Sadly, everyday transgender people, especially transgender women of color, face extraordinarily high rates of discrimination and violence. Already in 2015, Equality Federation has been supporting our member groups in fending off over 20 anti-transgender bills in legislatures across the country.
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