This Thanksgiving Consider Supporting Native American Protesters of the Dakota Pipeline

The gross irony that Native Americans are being abused by overzealous police during Thanksgiving has not been lost on Equality Federation. For this #SolidarityWednesday we encourage you to consider donating to one of the organizations supporting the protestors at Standing Rock in the Dakotas who are fighting to preserve the land and water for future generations.
Stand With Standing Rock
The Oceti Sakowin Camp represents a first of its kind historic gathering of Indigenous Nations. The most recent such assembly of Tribes occurred when the Great Sioux Nation gathered before the Battle at the Little Big Horn. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe supports the peaceful and prayerful message of the Oceti Sakowin leaders and desires to assist with options for the their Camp before winter sets in. The on-reservation camp will allow the tribe to explore and pursue considerations for a camp and longer term ways to meet the needs of the community that is 100% off-the-grid, featuring Solar & Wind power generation. DONATE!
Sacred Stone Legal Defense Fund
Support the legal defense of warriors protecting land, water, and human rights. The Camp of the Sacred Stones is a spiritual and cultural camp on the Standing Rock Reservation resisting the Dakota Access oil pipeline thru non-violent direct action. DONATE!
Sacred Stone Camp
The camp is asking for financial support for water, propane, food, and blankets for the camp. They say, “This is a prayer camp movement to save our sacred land and water and has been entirely supported by the people and the campers. We are in great appreciation for all you contributions….Wopila lila tanka– we are deeply grateful for you contributions thank you!” DONATE!
Police rained down on #NoDAPL activists, causing hundreds of injuries. (via @APTNNews)
— AJ+ (@ajplus) November 22, 2016