Thank You for Supporting the Federation in 2014

November 20, 2014

To call 2014 an exciting year is an understatement -- and the year isn’t over yet!

In just one year, we’ve already seen incredible advances for our movement -- marriage equality in states across the nation; municipal wins to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals from discrimination; and activists working together across issue areas to protect our nation’s youngest and most vulnerable populations.

Here at the Federation we celebrate these victories, and we count on your support.
Whether you donated money, liked our page on Facebook, or simply took the time to read our newsletter, your investment in the Federation was an investment in the state-based movement for equality.

Thanks to your donations, we were able to host region-specific summits, offer in-person board and staff development trainings, and offer strategic planning services to many of our members.

Thanks to your engagement on Facebook and Twitter, we were able to spread the word about the great work of state-based equality organizations, and share breaking movement news as it happened across the country.

Thanks to your investment of time, we’ve enhanced our newsletter to better meet our supporter’s needs, offering resources to movement leaders, as well as information and updates about the triumphs and trials in the states to our partners and allies.

And most importantly, thanks to all of your support, the Federation team spent the past year growing and expanding our work -- from building the capacity of state-based leaders to advancing critical issues to strengthening state-based organizations.

With your investment in 2014, the Federation was able to:

  • Introduce our expanded leadership development program, the State Leadership Project, for state-based movement leaders, including coaching, executive transition and board development.
  • Launch a brand new resource site, the Fairness Project site, bringing nondiscrimination messaging research findings to the states, and providing support and resources to advocates working on the state and local level.
  • Continue our safe and just schools program, implementing state advocacy plans in progress, developing plans in new states and educating all state leaders about education justice and school pushout.
  • Hold a Communications Boot Camp, bringing together state and local leaders for three days of intensive training on messaging, online organizing and earned media.
  • Host the 17th Annual Summer Meeting (our biggest ever!), the Southern Leadership Summit and the Midwest Leadership Summit.
  • And in just a few weeks, we will host our New Executive Director Boot Camp, a two-day intensive course in executive leadership for 2014’s newest leaders.

Your investment in Equality Federation is critical to our work to strengthen the state-based movement for equality. We thank you for your continued support -- our work would not be possible without you. Please consider a year end gift -- we would really appreciate it!

We hope you stick around and continue to invest in the state-based movement for equality, as we work together to achieve full, lived equality for all.

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Want To Make A Difference? Support Our Work

With your support, we'll be able to continue our work to build the leaders of today and tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ+ organizations, and make critical progress on the issues that matter most—like protecting transgender people, ending HIV criminalization and ensuring access to care, and banning conversion therapy across the country.