Stories from the States: Equality Utah’s 12th Annual Allies Dinner
On September 16th, Brandie Balken and the Equality Utah team held their 12th Annual Allies Dinner, a gala fundraiser celebrating the individuals, businesses, and organizations that have done extraordinary things in support of the LGBT community in Utah.
The event, which has sold out the past four years in a row, exceeded all expectations by attracting 2,200 LGBT allies, business owners, legislators, community members, and endorsed candidates to Salt Lake City to enjoy dinner and an awards ceremony recognizing LGBT allies in the state. The dinner has become one of the largest LGBT events in the country.

Three allies were presented with the Allies for Equality Award, an honor chosen by the Equality Utah board, staff, and the larger community. All of this year’s recipients have been advocates for the LGBT community in Utah, as leaders and creators of change in the state. This year’s recipients included:
- Stephanie Pappas, CFO/Director of Administration of award winning Roofers Supply, Inc.
- Troy Williams, a widely recognized media producer and event organizer often referred to as “The Gay Mayor of Salt Lake”
- Salt Lake School District Board
Every year, Equality Utah is able to attract sponsors-- what Brandie calls “the key to their success.” According to Brandie:
“In some ways, the Allies Dinner has become the event to support to demonstrate your solidarity with the LGBT community in Utah. People want to get their businesses in front of our community, and this is an easy, and fun way to do it. As a 501 c-4 fundraiser, sponsorship can be written off as an advertising expense, and we pitch it as such, so it is a relatively painless way for businesses to outreach to the LGBT market in Utah.”
This year, attendees received a special keynote speech from Robert Redford, an influential LGBT ally in Utah.

“Redford has done a lot to raise independent voices through film here in Utah with the Sundance Film Festival,” says Brandie. “Not only does he have a large personal following, he has quite a bit of credibility in the business/political world. The Sundance festival, catalog and retail outlets drive an immense amount of capital into our state economy.”
Equality Utah is currently working towards ending discriminatory practices in employment and housing for LGBT Utahns and their families. The Allies Dinner gave the organization an excellent platform to educate individuals who are not closely involved with this work -- and engage them as supporters and donors.
In his keynote address, Robert Redford clearly articulated the unique opportunity in Utah, saying: “If we change discriminatory laws in Utah, it sets a benchmark for people in other states; it allows people to see what can be done.”
That’s exactly what the team at Equality Utah is working toward. Congratulations to each of them for another incredibly successful event!
Watch the video below or log on to YouTube/Equality Utah Allies Dinner 2013 to learn more about the event: