Respond to Anti-LGBTQ HUD Nomination with Support for Homeless LGBTQ Youth

December 8, 2016

Donald Trump has named anti-LGBTQ crusader Ben Carson as secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and we’re responding with a special #SolidarityWednesday post highlighting organizations that serve homeless LGBTQ youth.

The Advocate reports: “Carson has described transgender people as “abnormal.” The retired neurosurgeon once told a “joke” that same-sex couples shouldn’t buy cakes from bakers who oppose marriage equality because they might put poison in their cake. He says the military should bring back “don’t ask, don’t tell” and has associated being LGBT with polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality. When asked about nondiscrimination legislation that provides protections for LGBT people, Carson said, “I think everybody has equal rights, but I’m not sure that anybody should have extra rights — extra rights when it comes to redefining everything for everybody else.”

LGBTQ youth face high rates of homelessness. Upwards of 40% of all homeless youth are LGBTQ. Please consider supporting these or other organizations that serve your next generation.

Ali Forny Center [DONATE]
Our mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently.

Lost-n-Found [DONATE]
Lost-n-Found Youth assists homeless youth from 13 – 25 in stabilizing their lives, including preparing them for permanent housing and stable employment. In addition, LNFY is Atlanta’s leading non-profit with the specialized expertise on and dedication to the needs of LGBTQ homeless youth and we take a special responsibility to ensuring their well-being.

The True Colors Fund [DONATE]
Co-founded by Cyndi Lauper, the True Colors Fund works to end homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth, creating a world in which young people can be their true selves.

National Coalition on Homelessness [DONATE]
The National Coalition for the Homeless is a national network of people who are currently experiencing or who have experienced homelessness, activists and advocates, community-based and faith-based service providers, and others committed to a single mission: To prevent and end homelessness while ensuring the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness are met and their civil rights protected. We envision a world where everyone has a safe, decent, affordable and accessible home.

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