More Than 300 Republicans Come Out in Support of Same-Sex Marriage

On March 5th, more than 300 Republicans filed a friend of the court brief at the Supreme Court in support of same-sex marriage nationwide. Organized by former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, the amicus brief was filed for the four same-sex marriage cases the Court will hear on April 28th that could legalize marriage nationwide.
In an interview with TIME, Mehlman noted: “There’s been an increase since the last time in public support for marriage equality across all ideological, racial, and political groups.”
The brief itself states:
“Although amici hold a broad spectrum of socially and politically conservative, moderate, and libertarian views, amici share the view that laws that bar same-sex couples from the institution of civil marriage, with all its attendant profoundly important rights and responsibilities, are inconsistent with the United States Constitution’s dual promises of equal protection and due process.”
A full list of Amici can be viewed below:
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