Member Opportunity: Tools & Training for Your Next Ballot Campaign

July 8, 2015
As leaders of state-based organizations, you probably have conducted, or will conduct, a ballot measure campaign. These campaigns can be the key to achieving policy wins in your state, so you want to make sure you're successful, right?
Our partners at the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center (BISC) and Wellstone Action have teamed up to provide some great trainings and webinars to help you achieve success during your next campaign.
In 2013, they created a first-of-its-kind training program focused exclusively on ballot measures. Today, they just opened up the application process for the second run of this amazing training - a 3-day, hands-on, interactive training for ballot-measure practitioners in Cleveland, Ohio this October! Click here to learn more
And between now and October, BISC and Wellstone Action will continue their training webinars to ensure that everyone gets access to the tools and best practices they need right now. You can register for them individually, or sign up here to save by registering for all three at a discounted rate.
Webinar: Planning to Win
Erik Peterson, Bending the Arc Strategies
Hear about the best practices for planning your ballot-measure qualification and campaign.
Wednesday, July 15, 3:30 - 5:00 pm EDT
Registration ($50)
Webinar: Technical Nitty Gritty
Kellie Dupree, Ballot Initiative Strategy Center
Learn more about the details of how to qualify for the ballot. Know the ins and outs of the process to ensure that your initiative gets on the ballot.
Thursday, July 30, 3:30 - 5:00 pm EDT
Registration ($50)
Webinar: C3 in Ballot-Measure Qualification
In partnership with Alliance for Justice (AFJ), learn about 501(c)(3) ballot measure advocacy legal rules and case studies.
Wednesday, September 16, 3:30 - 5:00 pm EDT
Registration ($50)
Take advantage of these great training opportunities to make your ballot campaign a huge success!