Member Opportunity: Management Training at Summer Meeting 2014 in Minneapolis

Summer Meeting 2014 is just a few months away, and it’s shaping up to be the best one yet — especially with the addition of a special members-only program.
This year, with support from Arcus Foundation, we’re bringing in our friends from The Management Center to share their Managing to Change the World training — only with Federation members.
Whether you’re managing an entire organization, supervising just one other employee, or hoping to be in a non-profit management role in the future, this training is for you.
Check out the agenda below to see what you will learn at Managing to Change the World.
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and Introductions
9:15 – 12:00 Managing the Work: “Delegation Cycle”
- Setting clear expectations
- Staying engaged in the process
- Effective check-ins
- Creating accountability and learning
- Adapting your approach to fit the context
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:30 Managing Broad Responsibilities: Goals
- What is expected of me and what does success look like?
- Beyond tasks – using goals to empower staff and to drive performance, investment and ownership
- Setting SMART goals
- Setting goals on outcomes but also the process
1:30 – 1:40 Break
1:40 – 3:45 Developing Your People: Feedback
- Building skills and capacity by being a “hands-on” manager
- Modeling, stretch assignments, zone of proximal development
- Effective feedback for accountability and learning
- When it’s right to divest
- Tactics for retention
3:45 – 3:55 Break
3:55 – 5:15 Hiring: Getting Superstars on Your Team
- Why is hiring so important
- What to look for and where you find it
- How to know it when you see it
5:15 – 5:30 Your Job as a Manager (and tendencies that get in the way)
- Commitments and next steps
We offered this training a few years back and heard from participants that it was just what they needed to be more effective in their roles. Come on out to Minneapolis a day early and join us so you won’t miss out.
Note: to attend this training, you must also register for Summer Meeting. Two registrations, two incredible events.