Get to Know Our New At-Large Board Members and Member Representative Candidates

July 9, 2015

July 8, 2015

Recently, our board of directors voted on two new at-large members. In just a few short weeks, our members will have the chance to vote on our new slate of member representatives to the Equality Federation and Equality Federation Institute Board of Directors.

These incredible leaders will help to expand the board’s reach in order to better equip the Equality Federation and the Equality Federation Institute to be the strategic partner to the state-based movement. You will get to meet them all at Summer Meeting (see the latest schedule!), and some of them might even look familiar, but in the meantime, get to know them a bit more right now!

At-Large Board Members 

Kellan Baker is a Senior Fellow with the LGBT Research and Communications Project at the Center for American Progress (CAP), where he works on a range of LGBT health issues with the federal government and other national and state stakeholders. At CAP, Kellan directs the LGBT State Exchanges Project, which partners with LGBT and consumer health advocates in numerous states to ensure that the benefits of the Affordable Care Act reach LGBT communities, and he is a founding Steering Committee member of Out2Enroll, a nationwide initiative that works to connect LGBT people and their families with their new coverage options under the health reform law. He is a member of the Advisory Panel on Outreach and Enrollment at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and is a frequent presenter on LGBT health issues at venues that include the White House, Harvard University, and the U.S. Government Accountability Office, among others. He holds a BA with high honors from Swarthmore College and an MPH and MA from George Washington University.

Kellan is dedicated to building coalitions that connect state needs and efforts with the policy opportunities and other resources that are increasingly becoming available on the federal/national level. He defines full equality as everyone—especially LGBT people and other historically marginalized groups—finally having the ability to define themselves and fully live the lives they want in safe, vibrant, healthy communities. To help us accomplish this goal, Kellan thinks:

“The Federation has a critical role to play as the LGBT movement shifts from marriage equality to other priorities. It is my hope that, over the next five years, the Federation will guide the investment of time, energy, and resources into the pursuit of comprehensive nondiscrimination, accessible health care, LGBT data collection, and other goals that will contribute to the highest standard of wellbeing for LGBT people in every state.”

Ronald Moore became the Vice President of Human Resources of Safe Horizon in August 2009. Ronald joined Safe Horizon after 26 years of employment in Human Resources at Hewlett Packard. He lived in 5 cities across the U.S. during the 26 years in predominately the Human Resources function. Mr. Moore accepted an early retirement offer from Hewlett Packard in 2005, and decided to return to New York City in 2008. Mr. Moore has been involved in many nonprofit organizations over the years, serving as a member of the board of directors for over 10 nonprofit organizations. He served as President of the Atlanta Executive Network, Co-Chair of Georgia Equality and a board member of Out and Equal, and Project Open Hand. Currently he is President of LGBTQ Faith Leaders of African Descent. He serves on the Church Council and is the Chair of the Personnel and Salary committee of the Riverside Church of New York City. Mr. Moore received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, a Master of Arts in Counseling, and a Master’s in Labor and Industrial Relations all from Michigan State University. A native of Detroit, Michigan, Mr. Moore currently resides in East Harlem, NY.

Ronald joined the Federation board so that he could offer his expertise, and focus on his core areas of interest: increasing both diversity in the LGBT community and inclusiveness among people of color. He hopes we will be able to offer best practices and financial resources to state-based organizations. When asked how he would define full equality, Ronald said:

“Full Equality is a journey...the milestones are legislation, citizen attitudes and LGBT attitudes.”

Member Representative Candidate

Chris Hartman is the first director of Kentucky's two-decades-old Fairness Campaign and a steering committee member of the Fairness Coalition. In the past two years, he has helped nearly triple the number of Kentucky cities with anti-discrimination LGBT Fairness Ordinances from three to eight, including the state capital Frankfort and Appalachian coal town of Vicco, formerly the smallest city in America with LGBT protections. Chris served as Congressman John Yarmuth's 2008 campaign press secretary, an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer In Service To America) in St. Louis, and Philadelphia director of the Democratic National Committee's open-air grassroots fundraising arm for the 2004 presidential election. He founded and produced long-form improv troupes in Louisville and St. Louis, and holds an M.A. in Drama from Washington University in St. Louis.

A bit of a veteran in the statewide LGBT organizing world -- having been director of the Fairness Campaign for nearly seven years now -- if elected, Chris hopes to help support others in positions and states like his to help them avoid pitfalls he’s encounters and replicate successes and models he’s found invaluable.

When asked why he wants to be a part of the Federation board of directors, Chris said:

“Since the Fairness Campaign became Kentucky’s Equality Federation member less than two years ago, I have found their resources and support invaluable to our statewide work. From incredibly useful trainings to executive director support networks, I only wish these resources had been available to me my first five years on the job. I would be honored to be a part of this network of support for other statewide LGBT civil rights organizations, especially as we enter into the post-marriage world, where the message of Statewide Fairness is now more important than ever.”

Two of our newest board member representatives, Nathan Schaefer and Troy Stevenson, were brought on mid-year to help expand our board, and will stand for re-election during Summer Meeting. We asked them how they define full equality, and how do we get there:

Nathan Schaefer, Empire State Pride Agenda

“Full equality will be achieved when every LGBT American is able to live their whole lives freely and with pride, without fear or discrimination, harassment, or violence. We will only achieve that goal by continuing to fight for full equality and justice in every corner of the country, with every local government ensuring full protection.”



Troy Stevenson, Freedom Oklahoma

“Full equality is an interesting concept. I prefer to split it into two parts: full equality under the law, and lived equality. Full equality under the law can be achieved through dual tracks of legislation and litigation to achieve protections in housing and employment, trans inclusion and protection, protection of our youth, and strengthened bias and hate crime laws. Lived equality is what we strive for in society at large. We achieve lived equality through public education, visibility, and heightened participation in our local communities. Full legal equality will likely come first, but only by working toward both will lived equality be the reality for future generations. “

We’re thrilled to invite these leaders to be additions to the Equality Federation Board!

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With your support, we'll be able to continue our work to build the leaders of today and tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ+ organizations, and make critical progress on the issues that matter most—like protecting transgender people, ending HIV criminalization and ensuring access to care, and banning conversion therapy across the country.