Updated: Floridians Facing Vote on Anti-LGBT "Pastor Protection" Act

A legislative hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7th, on the “Pastor Protection” Act. Federation member Equality Florida calls the act a misleading masquerade for religious freedom when in reality it is simply a cynical, anti-LGBT political move:
The Florida legislature has just started considering bills for the 2016 session and already a new anti-LGBT bill, falsely masquerading as religious freedom, has been put on the calendar for a vote this Wednesday.
The so-called “Pastor Protection Act” (HB 43) seeks to mislead the public and stoke unfounded fears that churches might be sued for choosing not to marry same-sex couples. Pastors and clergy have always had the right to decide who their church will and won’t marry; that freedom is guaranteed in the Constitution and that’s the way it should be. This insulting legislation perpetuates institutionalized homophobia and may be a Trojan Horse that serves as a vehicle to pass even worse anti-LGBT legislation in Florida.
This bill has opposition from the very people it claims to protect, because they know this is an invented problem. Faith leaders from all over the state have stepped forward opposing this bill, calling it “irresponsible and dangerous.”
We need to send a clear message to the State Representatives: Discrimination has no place in Florida – vote ‘NO’ on HB 43.
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