Exciting Leadership Opportunity from the Arcus Foundation
Good news for Federation members from the Arcus Foundation! They have announced the Arcus LGBT Leadership Initiative, an array of resources to support leaders of the LGBT movement in the United States. This initiative is a chance for movement leaders to enhance their skills and collaborate with one another, strengthening the movement!
As a part of this initiative, Arcus will match 10 new or emergent executive directors with mentors who have had successful careers in similar leadership positions. Management coaching will provide participants an opportunity to learn, grow, and solve specific problems facing them in their day-to-day work with the benefit of consistent and experienced counsel.
Arcus will also be creating executive director support groups in several U.S. cities to strengthen ties and mutual support among U.S.- based leaders and organizations. Participants will grow professionally from exposure to one another’s management challenges and benefit from the ability to apply the experience and perspective of their peers to problems that they face.
We hope Federation executive directors will take advantage of this great opportunity to work with and learn from one another!