Everything You Need to Know About Summer Meeting (so far!)

Equality Federation Institute’s annual Summer Meeting is the premier gathering of state-based and national LGBT movement leaders. More than 150 advocates from across the country gather to connect and forge relationships, collaborate for future success and build momentum toward even greater wins in the communities we call home.

The 2014 Summer Meeting (July 30 - August 2) will feature informative workshops, inspiring speakers and incredible social events — in the amazing city of Minneapolis, with OutFront Minnesota as our host.
Click here to register now for Summer Meeting 2014.
(Attention Federation Members: Don't forget to take advantage of our multi-person discounts when you bring more staff or board members. Email Renee Perry for details.)
Federation members are also invited to join us for a special training opportunity -- Managing to Change the World from our friends at the Management Center -- on Wednesday, July 30. Just click here for details and to register.
If you've already registered, don't forget to:
- Reserve your room at the Hilton Minneapolis.
- Schedule your trip; most participants plan to arrive on Wednesday and leave on Sunday. (But Federation members joining us for Managing to Change the World should plan to arrive Tuesday).
Current Schedule of Events (more details coming soon)
Wednesday, July 30
9:00 am All-Day Management Center Training for Federation Members (register now)
5:00 pm Registration Opens
7:00 pm Welcome Reception
Thursday, July 31
9:00 am Welcome Circle
11:00 am Workshop Session 1
12:30 pm Plenary Lunch
2:00 pm Workshop Session 2
3:45 pm Caucus Conversations: Regional Breakouts
7:00 pm Fed Fling
Friday, August 1
9:00 am Session 3
10:45 am Plenary: FedTalks
12:15 pm Caucus Conversations: Role Breakouts (boxed lunches)
2:00 pm Workshop Session 4
3:45 pm Workshop Session 5
6:30 pm Happy Hour
Saturday, August 2
9:30 am Membership Meeting
11:00 am Workshop Session 6
12:15 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:45 pm Workshop Session 7
3:30 pm Workshop Session 8
6:00 pm Closing Reception
Summer Meeting is made possible thanks to the generous support of sponsors. Each year, key players from the LGBT movement come from across the country to build momentum for the next year. Sponsors have direct access to these community leaders who are working for equality in nearly every state. Your sponsorship of Summer Meeting 2014 sends a powerful message that your organization values diversity, stands for inclusion and supports its LGBT employees and customers.
If you're a non-profit partner, please click here to download our partner sponsorship packet.
If you're a corporation, please click here to download our corporate sponsorship packet.