Equality Pennsylvania Gets Out the Vote!

Guest post by Levana Layendecker

There is so much at stake for LGBT people in this year’s election, and Equality Pennsylvania is working to make sure that LGBT voices are being heard.
This year, Equality Pennsylvania is partnering with For Pennsylvania’s Future PAC to reach out to voters and activate them to vote around issues that affect the LGBT community. It is an unprecedented effort for a state based LGBT group, and we are happy to report that the experiment is going very well so far.
We are working to mobilize voters for Katie McGinty for Senate and Hillary Clinton for President. Turnout is going to be the key to winning Pennsylvania and over the next four weeks, Equality PA will be working in overdrive to turn out the vote.
We are currently sending out 30-35 canvassers every day. We’ve knocked on over 100,000 doors so far, and we’re going to knock at least 200,000 by Election Day. We are proud to say that we are now running one of the largest issue-based canvass operations in the country.

And while this election is critical, this grassroots work helps us to continue the work for progress after Election Day, as well. For example, all of these voter contacts will be critical to building power in the state for policy and legislative victories.
Overall, we are proud to be a part of For Pennsylvania’s Future who are going to make 1.4 million door knocks this cycle.