Equality Ohio Launches Municipal Equality Map

Ohio is one of 28 states that leaves LGBTQ people out of laws that make discrimination illegal. However, some individual communities have enacted these protections themselves.
Equality Ohio performed an analysis on the city codes of over 100 Ohio cities to create the interactive Ohio Municipal Equality Map. The map looks at discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations.
The analysis found that, in 15 cities in Ohio, discrimination in those three areas against LGBTQ people is illegal. The map sheds a light on the patchwork of protections that exist in Ohio, as well as many other states across the country.
By making this accessible, mobile friendly map available to the public, Equality Ohio is empowering local activists across the Buckeye State to know their rights, share their stories, and contact their local legislators. This map, with its hyper local focus, is both a useful advocacy tool and a powerful model for the rest of the country.
Equality Federation applauds the ingenuity of Equality Ohio on the creation of their Municipal Equality Map.