Aaron Welo

Aaron Welo is an at-large director and the Treasurer for the Equality Federation. He is currently an associate with Thompson Coburn LLP in St. Louis, where he practices in the firm's business litigation group on a variety of class and complex litigation matters. He was previously an associate with White & Case LLP in Washington, D.C. from 2011-2012. Aaron was on staff for Fair Wisconsin doing fundraising during its campaign against the Wisconsin marriage amendment in 2006 and also was staff counsel for HRC from 2010-2011. He successfully represented an LGBT asylum seeker in gaining permanent status in the U.S. and has represented LGBT and various other clients in employment discrimination matters. Aaron attended law school at the University of Minnesota and undergrad at Wesleyan University. Aaron lives in St. Louis with his partner, Jon Rogowski, who is a professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and their cat, Kathmandu.