A Week of Marriage Wins for Many of Our Members

It is almost hard to keep up with the incredible marriage progress over the past week.
In the span of just a few days, the Supreme Court extended the freedom to marry to couples in Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and Indiana, and the 9th Circuit Court ruled against bans in Nevada and Idaho. Shortly after, same-sex marriages started in Colorado, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Alaska, and could soon start in Wyoming, South Carolina, Kansas, Montana, and Arizona as well.
Currently, same-sex couples can marry in 30 states and D.C.
This remarkable marriage momentum is thanks in large part to our members working on-the-ground in the communities they call home. For years, state leaders have been changing hearts and minds, creating allies and gathering support for the freedom to marry.
The Federation is so proud of the advances our movement has made, and want to thank our members who fight tirelessly for rights of the LGBT community in their states each day.
We would like to congratulate all of our members. Whether your state won marriage years ago, last week, or is one of the many that still await a decision -- each marriage win is a victory for our entire movement.
And we would like to extend a special congratulations to some of our leaders who personally celebrated their state’s marriage win by legalizing their own commitment this past week!

For many of us, last week was a long-awaited victory. But there is still much to be done.
In many states, marriage is still not a reality for same-sex couples. And in 29 states - including a number that just won marriage - you can still be fired from your job, denied housing, and refused service. We must utilize this momentum toward protections for our entire community.
The Federation is committed to working with all of our members toward full, lived equality for all LGBT people - toward marriage in all 50 states, and beyond.