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Equality Federation won’t stop until all LGBTQ+ people are fully empowered and represented in their communities, experiencing full equality in their lives.

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Municipal Equality Index: How Does Your City Score?

HRC Foundation in partnership with the Equality Federation Institute, announced that a record-setting 88 cities across the U.S. earned the highest possible score in the eighth annual Municipal Equality Index (MEI). The MEI is the only nationwide assessment of LGBTQ inclusion in municipal law, policy and services.

October 17, 2016
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It's Final! HUD Protects Transgender People in Shelters

HUD announced that they have finalized their rule that ensures transgender people needing shelter will be provided housing in accordance to their gender identity.Equality Federation hails this as a vital clarification and we express our greatest thanks to all the advocates who worked on these policy changes.

September 20, 2016
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Michigan Votes to Adopt LGBTQ Safe Schools Guidance

After a months-long public engagement campaign, the Michigan State Board of Education voted 6-2 yesterday to adopt the “Guidance on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Students.” This guidance creates more supportive learning environments for LGBTQ students, who are at greater risk of suicide, and cannot succeed academically without a supportive school environment.

September 15, 2016
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NCAA Pulls All Championship Events from NC over Anti-LGBTQ HB2 Law

Update: On Wednesday, September 14th, the Atlantic Coast Conference (A.C.C.) followed suit and announced it will pull all “neutral-site championships for this academic year” from North Carolina.Equality Federation joins Federation member Equality North Carolina in hailing the NCAA’s decision to pull their championship events from North Carolina due to the state’s anti-LGBTQ law HB2.

September 14, 2016
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Bathroom Wars! How Cleveland Won Transgender Nondiscrimination Protections

In this Star Wars themed talk, Equality Ohio's Alana Jochum explains how transgender nondiscrimination protections were won in Cleveland.

August 31, 2016
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Advocating for the Inclusion of Gender Expansive Youth in your State or Local Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS)

Last week we held a webinar for Equality Federation members about how your organization can engage in Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) advocacy in your states and municipalities by adding an optional question on gender expansive youth.

August 31, 2016

Press Releases

MS Gov. Bryant Signs Extreme Anti-LGBTQ Bill Into Law (Watch Ellen's Response!)

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant has signed into law one of the most extreme, sweeping anti-LGBT bills in the country, HB 1523. The law allows discrimination by individuals, religiously-affiliated organizations (including hospitals, schools, homeless shelters, and more), and businesses based on religious beliefs or moral convictions regarding marriage for same-sex couples; sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage; and transgender people.

April 5, 2016
Mississippi Governor: Veto Outrageous Anti-LGBT Bill!

One of the most extreme, sweeping anti-LGBT bills in the country, HB 1523, is making its way through the Mississippi legislature and will reach Governor Phil Bryant’s desk within days. It would allow discrimination by individuals, religiously-affiliated organizations (including hospitals, schools, homeless shelters, and more), and businesses based on religious beliefs or moral convictions regarding marriage for same-sex couples; sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage; and transgender people.

April 1, 2016
KY Senate Unanimously Approves One Marriage License Form

On Friday, April 1st the Kentucky Senate unanimously approved a single marriage license form, a move in stark contrast to a divisive vote on the same issue several weeks ago. The Senate had previously approved Senate Bill 5, a measure introduced by Senator Stephen West (R-Paris) that would have created separate marriage license forms for gay and straight couples in Kentucky.

April 1, 2016
VICTORY: Georgia Governor Says NO to Discrimination!

BREAKING (STAY TUNED FOR MORE): Equality Federation extends our deepest thanks to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal for vetoing the discriminatory, anti-LGBT religious exemption bill (HB 757) that had passed through the legislature.

March 28, 2016
OUTRAGE: Extreme Anti-LGBTQ Legislation Signed Into Law in North Carolina

Equality Federation denounces North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory for signing into law the most extreme, anti-LGBTQ legislation in the country. House Bill 2 repeals Charlotte’s nondiscrimination ordinance, prevents other towns from passing their own nondiscrimination ordinances, prevents transgender people from being able to use the restroom that matches the gender they live every day, and even prevents cities from adopting living wage ordinances.

March 24, 2016
Breaking: NC House & Senate Pass Extreme Discriminatory Anti-LGBTQ Bill

BREAKING (Stay tuned for updates): Equality Federation calls upon North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory to veto the extreme, anti-LGBTQ legislation that was passed in the General Assembly on Wednesday. HB2 is one of the most discriminatory pieces of legislation to emerge in the country this year.

March 23, 2016
A young man looking up, smilingA young man smiling straight at the camera
Confident young woman standing with crossed arms.

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