News & Resources

Equality Federation won’t stop until all LGBTQ+ people are fully empowered and represented in their communities, experiencing full equality in their lives.

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Welcome Our New Policy Fellow, Maryse Pearce!

This legislative session, we’ve hired a Policy Fellow to analyze the impact of proposed policies related to the LGBTQ community in all 50 states at the state legislative level. After a wide search with numerous qualified applicants, this week we welcomed Maryse Pearce to the team.

March 1, 2017
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Transgender Youth & Families Respond to Trump's Withdrawal of School Guidelines

Today the Trump Administration took a giant step back from their previously stated commitment to champion fairness and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.

February 23, 2017
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Victory! South Dakota Anti-Transgender Bill (SB115) Withdrawn

In late January, South Dakota’s SB115, was withdrawn from the senate. The bill, which would have banned transgender students from fully participating in school programs and using the facilities that matched the gender they live every day, was pulled by its sponsor right before its hearing on January 31st.

February 17, 2017
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Victory! Jacksonville Florida Passes Human Rights Ordinance

Equality Federation joins Equality Florida in applauding the Jacksonville, FL City Council for banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender expression.

February 17, 2017
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Discriminatory Bill on Taxpayer Funded Adoption Agencies Introduced in South Dakota

In early February, the South Dakota legislature introduced SB149, a FADA (First Amendment Defense Act) style adoption bill. Despite the bill’s sponsor’s claim to the contrary, the impact of the legislation is clear. This bill will allow taxpayer funded adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

February 17, 2017
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TIPS: Including Bisexual People in Your Advocacy

Did you know that bisexual-identified people comprise more than half of the LGB community? In fact, recent polls suggest that one-third of young people don’t identify as straight or gay or lesbian. When communicating with your members, the public, law makers, or the media, a simple and powerful way to include this enormous, but often invisible, population is to add examples of how various policies impact the lives of bisexual people. Here are a few simple examples.

February 15, 2017

Press Releases

Victory! Discriminatory Bill Withdrawn in Wyoming

On Thursday last week, Wyoming’s state legislature withdrew House Bill 135. HB135 would have allowed businesses, state and local governments to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

January 31, 2017
Watch: Freedom Oklahoma Leads Resistance Against Anti-LGBTQ Attacks

Last year Federation member Freedom Oklahoma led the defeat of 27 anti-LGBTQ bills, and this year they are ready to continue their winning streak on behalf of every Oklahoman who values fairness and equality for all. Earlier this week, they hosted 150 people interested in advocating for equality.

January 31, 2017
Victory! Colorado RFRA Bill (HB1013) Dies in Committee

On Wednesday last week, Colorado House Bill 1013, a religious exemption bill, died in committee for the third year in a row. The bill, the Colorado Freedom of Conscience Protection Act, was essentially a state RFRA.

January 31, 2017
438 Civil and Human Rights Organizations Oppose Confirmation of Jeff Sessions

438 civil and human rights organizations, including Equality Federation, have signed onto a letter from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to express our strong opposition to the confirmation of Senator Jefferson B. Sessions (R-AL) to be the 84th Attorney General of the United States.

January 30, 2017
Discriminatory Restroom Ban Law Introduced in Texas

Today Lt. Governor Dan Patrick introduced a bill cosponsored by Senator Lois Kolkhorst, that would discriminate against transgender people under the guise of protecting women’s and students’ privacy. The bill would ban transgender people from using the restroom that matches the gender they live as every day and ban cities and towns from passing nondiscrimination ordinances that protect transgender people from discrimination.

January 25, 2017
Why We Oppose Trump’s Agenda of Walls & Deportations

Equality Federation stands in solidarity with immigrants, refugees, and their families today as the Trump Administration launches an attack on millions of people’s freedoms and civil liberties.

January 25, 2017
A young man looking up, smilingA young man smiling straight at the camera
Confident young woman standing with crossed arms.

Want To Make A Difference? Support Our Work

With your support, we'll be able to continue our work to build the leaders of today and tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ+ organizations, and make critical progress on the issues that matter most—like protecting transgender people, ending HIV criminalization and ensuring access to care, and banning conversion therapy across the country.